Blog #2: High Concept and Map

Physical Character (what does your character "look like", and also includes things the character has/holds/wears?)

My character looks like an ink black humanoid creature  with its head shapped like a helmet with no actual face inside of it. It is similar to like the dark looking back as you peer deeper into it. He holds onto his lotus backpack with stong string used as straps to hold the backpack. He uses the backpack which blossoms once her tries to take on another form which that represents a creature of the dark such as an owl or a bear. He also brings around his Pact compass which holds the location of those who have not had pacts fulfilled or completed yet.

Sociological Character (what is the background / present conditions of your character?)

The Character is born to be a small entity that is weak in power, but has the ability to the power of natural spirits to fulfill tasks. However my character dreams to one day be able to become a grand and powerful being. However in order to do this he must make deals to grow in power and if a deal goes unfinished he loses power instead. In order to make a deal he must find the desire of the one he speaks to and draw out a request for him to use his powers to fulfill.

Psychological Character (what motivates your character or pushes your character to the edge?) 

When my character is in a state of a pact being forfeited or on the verge of collapse he would do anything to see it through. This is due to my character feeling as he losses a part of himself through failing a contract he makes with others within the town.

Character Growth (How does your character change?) 

He grows through understanding the greed of others, as well as learning how every person in the town that he is in do not have greed for the same thing, but instead everyone has something different that they desire and the character begins to understands that by the time he really gets into carrying out the pacts he makes.

Character Development (How does the player learn about our character?) 

The player would learn about the Character through the many tasks he has to undertake in order to complete pacts with  others and the player can also understand him through the reactions he may have in the moment as well as the reactions other may give him.

Image Presentation 

Pictures When Sketching Images

Favorite Pictures when transforming them into character objects (Compass & Backpack)


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